Isekai Police (title pending) Chapter 3

Delays because I’m lazy, my house was falling apart around me, I’m lazy, I was traveling, I’m lazy, I was writing about everything except Isekai Police, and I’m lazy.

2020 got off to a rotten start, and since these x days have been kicking my ass, I decided I might as well do it myself to.

Alright so now that things have calmed down or at least so I’ve been led to believe, I’ll be coming back to this. Because My planning is shit and I second guess myself too often, all the following chapters will be written in one day, until further notice. I lied to myself so fucking hard there.

Chapter 3: Sleepwalking


I feel like I’m going crazy.

That dream from a week ago still haunts me. I keep playing through it in my mind as if it’s a song that got stuck in my head.

I didn’t mention this to any one of my classmates. They told me I slept through three periods. I just don’t buy that.

What I’ve been telling myself is that it was memorable because it was so coherent. Memories and dreams tend to be hazy, and the more time passes since they were experienced, the hazier they get, yet I still remember them like I just woke up.

No. It’s more like… I went back to sleep, and the dream was the reality.

Whenever I think about what I did this past week, it’s hazy and I don’t remember going to sleep at all. Like a dream.

“Are you alright?”

I look away from the window I was staring at, and turn to the lovely voice. It belonged to Sakura Haya.

She’s been acting closer and closer to me ever since that dream. Maybe because I was acting weird. That’s another thing that changed since I had that dream. I’ve always had feelings for Sakura but since ever since then, they felt more intense. It’s making me feel like she’s the solution to my problem.


I wasn’t answering for a while so she got a little confused. Before, I’d worry that I was being rude but I don’t think that’s important now. I made up my mind. I can’t just keep running in circles like this. I have to do something about my situation, even if it takes some drastic measures. Following my head isn’t working so I’ll follow my gut now.

“Yeah I’m fine.” I said. “But there’s something I wanna talk to you about, just not here. Can you meet me at the roof, next lunch break? I’ll be waiting.”

The roof is usually locked off but I know a way to get in.

It took Sakura a moment before she gave me a response.

“A-ah, yeah I will.” She said while fidgeting and blushing.

I was forced to break the awkward silence: “See you then?”

“O-Of course.” And with that, she left back to her seat, while I turned my head back to the window.


The skyscraper our school was held in had a helipad on the roof. That’s why it was usually locked. And why it had an alarm tied to it. I managed to carefully disable the alarm and break the lock.

I’m sure it will be fine. It’s pointless to have an alarm on the roof of building this tall anyways.

So I waited under the helipad during lunch break.

No one was going to bother us there. No one would see what’s about to happen.

Sakura came, and I beckoned her behind some vent exits.

She was red from ear to ear while standing in front of me.

She averted her gaze all around while asking the question “So, what did you want to tell me?”

I took a moment to prepare. It felt like taking a leap off of the skyscraper itself rather than asking a simple question.

“I’ve liked you for a while… Could you please go out with me?”

Not the most romantic of confessions but I’m not a very romantic guy. All I can hope for is that it will be enough.

When I looked back at her face, it looked to me as if she was overjoyed.

“…Yes, I’d like that very much.” came the answer.

Those were the words almost every guy in this school wanted to hear. And out of all of them it was me that got to hear them.

So why doesn’t my anxiety go away? Why does it feel like I’m making some sort of mistake?

Before I could think more about it, Sakura went up and hugged me.

“Maybe we should keep this our little secret for now?” Was whispered into my ear.

Then she pecked my cheek and headed back inside.

When she reached the door, she put her finger over her radiant smile and winked at me, after which she left. Leaving me there on the roof. Alone.

I waited a little while longer before heading back, still haunted. I felt as if I took a step sideways rather than forward.


I’ve begun to dream again.

Perhaps a step sideways was what I needed. A fresh perspective so to say.

It’s usually someone desperately crying for help. I don’t understand the words but I can feel it in my soul, they’re calling for help. I try to help but Sakura always stops me. And then it ends in flash of light.

Is that what she’s doing? Is she not the key but the biggest obstacle? Should I get rid of her? Is that what I want? A choice between what I want and what I should do would be a lot easier if I knew what I wanted and what I should be doing.

We’ve been dating for a week now and she’s been nothing but sweet. We had to keep our meetings secret of course. I feel like I’d have been on cloud nine if I were in this situation two weeks ago but now, every encounter leaves me more and more frustrated.

This can’t go on. I have to do something.


During the last period, I ask to go to the bathroom.

This was our code. Soon, she would ask to go to the bathroom as well, and we’d meet. Alone.

So when she walked down the hall to me with hurried steps, sunshine peaked over the clouds surrounding the skyscraper, lighting up her hair, making her look shining.

Such a sight would leave me breathless with awe once upon a time. Now it leaves me breathless because I feel like it’s suffocating me.

She practically jumps in my arms, and I lead her into the bathroom quickly. There’s not a lot of time left.

We go into one of the stalls and I push her away.

Then I stabbed her in the throat with a pen.

With one hand I covered her mouth and pressed her against the stall, while my other hand wast stabbing her with the pen.

It was like I was watching a movie. I know I wasn’t capable of this, yet my body just moved.

It felt right.

It felt like I was achieving something.

Like I was finally lifting the veil over my eyes.

Before long, her terrified, teary eyes, lost their light. I let her go and she slumped down to the floor.

That was when I began reciting that cry for help. I didn’t even know I memorized it. My mind was only and observer as my instincts took control.

With each word, my surroundings began to melt. Deform and reform into something else than they were. Stretch and sever like fabric strands, swirl and pulse like a hypnotic dance…

They changed less and less with each second. When it stopped I found myself in complete darkness. But I knew I arrived.

As if magic, the torches lit up around me, revealing I had been standing on an obsidian altar. It had an alien shape, yet it felt welcoming. Then the bishop from my first dream approached me.

With an ecstatic yell he proclaimed: “Just like the prophecy foretold! Our hero makes his way back! Nothing can stand in our way anymore! Neither the demons nor those Triple U bastards! WE! WILL! PREVAIL!”

The risk paid off. This was what I was meant to do.

The bishop then asked me “What is the name of our savior?”

“Kenji Ito. Let’s get to work then.”

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